Although Orika has built-in mapping and converters for many cases by default, it may happen that you have a mapping use-case which is not supported out of the box. Custom Converters provide one method to resolve this. The simplest way to define your own converter is to extend from ma.glasnost.orika.CustomConverter<A,B>
, as in the following example:
public class MyConverter extends CustomConverter<Date,MyDate> { public MyDate convert(Date source, Type<? extends MyDate> destinationType) { // return a new instance of destinationType with all properties filled } }
A converter is normally defined to handle a single-directional mapping. If you want to control the mapping between two types in both directions, a bi-directional converter is what you need.
Bi-directional converters are used to define conversion in both directions between a given set of types. A custom bi-directional converter may be defined by extending from ma.glasnost.orika.converter.BidirectionalConverter<A,B>
, like so:
public class MyConverter extends BidirectionalConverter<Date,MyDate> { public MyDate convertTo(Date source, Type<MyDate> destinationType) { // convert in one direction } public Date convertFrom(MyDate source, Type<Date> destinationType) { // convert in the other direction } }
In order for converters to be recognized and used in mapping operations, they must be registered with a ConverterFactory (which is associated with the MapperFactory). There are two ways to register a converter with the converter factory; one registers the converter at a global level, like so:
ConverterFactory converterFactory = mapperFactory.getConverterFactory(); converterFactory.registerConverter(new MyConverter());
Converters registered at a global level will be eligible to be used whenever the source and destination types are compatible with the types defined by the converter.
A more technical description of the process to determine whether a converter will be used is as follows:
to the canConvert(Type<?> sourceType, Type<?> destinationType)
method will be used to convert the typesConverters can also be registered at a field level; for cases where you don’t necessarily want a converter to act upon every instance of a particular pair of types. To register a converter for use at a field level, the first step is to pass in a converter id (String) with the registration method, like so:
ConverterFactory converterFactory = mapperFactory.getConverterFactory(); converterFactory.registerConverter("myConverterIdValue", new MyConverter());
That converter id can then be specifically applied to any field mapping(s), like so:
mapperFactory.classMap( Source.class, Destination.class ) .fieldMap("sourceField1", "sourceField2").converter("myConverterIdValue").add() ... .register();
There may be cases within your own custom converters where you want to make use of the MapperFacade to map nested properties of the converted types. A protected variable mapperFacade
is available within your custom mapper should you need to make use of it.